1 Corinthians 10:13         Misquoted scripture.

“The temptations in your life are no different from what others experience. And God is faithful. He will not allow the temptation to be more than you can stand. When you are tempted, he who show you a way out.”
•1)God is in ultimate and total control. God doesn’t control you because He loves you, but He is in control of things. God doesn’t put you through bad things for you to grow. God is in control and His way is perfect.

He will allow us to grow and share with others, but that wasn’t His purpose for that situation…we don’t understand the mind of God. •God doesn’t allow us to ever be alone. Even when you move away from God, just turn around, He will be there.             •God does not tempt you. James 1:13-18 He will be with you and won’t allow you to be tempted more than you can bear, it’s by your own flesh that you’re tempted. God can use things for good once He opens that door for you to get out, but you put yourself in that situation.

We make our own decisions to be in temptation. Everything happens for a reason, not everything happens for a good reason though. However, God can make every reason turn out good: Romans 8:28. •You can get in the middle of it and He can pull you out. Quit blaming God for the problems in your life and start giving him the glory or the results when they turn out good. •No such thing as coincidence. Every little thing, all good gifts come from God.

What path are you on? If you’re on your own path walking your own way, you’re missing the blessings God is dropping on the narrow path to Him. They’re not blessings that He is asking you what you want…He knows exactly what you need. •If you’re being tempted it’s because of a choice you made. We’re all in the same boat.

If you made a bad choice and you repent and ask God for forgiveness, then you can get back on that straight and narrow..and he’s going to give you an opportunity for a way out. He’s going to provide the opportunity, but You have to make the choice to take it. How do you take it? Repentance. Repent means means to turn away from and give up your sin.–You’re done with it and not going back.

Start walking towards God again, down His path. You have to get real with God, it’s ok to do that. We may have made those choices but the bottom line is He Can get you out. The only way your life is going to change is if you allow God to change it!!