9:00 am – 12:00 pm We will gather in the mornings at 9 a.m. to set up for church. Sunday School at 9:45 a.m. Church will begin at 10:15 with Praise Music; then Pastor’s message to follow. Children’s church begins right after the praise music is over. (No...
30 days with Jesus (day 13) – Jesus feeds 5,000+ followers
Today, in John 6: 1-15 we will talk about Jesus feeding the 5,000+. So, let's open our Bibles OR click on the link. Well, as chapter six begins Jesus crossed over to the far side of the Sea of Galilee also known as the Sea of Tiberias. Because of the miracles HE...
30 days with Jesus (day 12) – Jesus heals many Mark 5:1-43
In Mark 5: 1-20 we come upon a man who was possessed by demons. Now this is different than when Jesus came in contact with two men possessed by demons. This man is by himself, living in the hills and burial caves. He has been bound by chains of which he broke. ...
30 days with Jesus (day 11) – Jesus demonstrates power over nature
Jesus has control over nature - to us this is obvious as we know Jesus is part of the Trinity and is all powerful. However, the apostles had not read the new testament, oh, yes, that is because it was not written yet. LOL Look at Mark 6:45-52 and Luke 8:22-25. ...
30 days with Jesus (day 10) – Jesus teaches his disciples using parables
Good morning everyone. God is good all the time, all the time God is good. BLESSED! Well, today we are 1/3 of the way into 30 days with Jesus. It has been a learning experience for me and as well for you I do hope. Today is Matthew 13:1-52 - where Jesus teaches...
30 days with Jesus (day 9) – Jesus with the Pharisees
Today, out of Matthew 12: 1-45 To begin, the Pharisee had established 39 categories of actions forbidden on the Sabbath (based on interpretation of God's law and Jewish custom).Harvesting was one of these laws. In verse 1/2 you see they were not harvesting for...
30 days with Jesus (day 8) – Jesus heals people in need
Jesus now is traveling, yes Edith, traveling on foot. He has no caravan with buses, RV's, and such. Jesus is walking and ministering as he goes. We talk all the time about letting our life and actions be the Bible others see. We try and often fail; Jesus tried...
30 days with Jesus (day 7) – Jesus delivers the Sermon on the Mount
My 6 year old grandson likes the song "Fear is a liar", and when you listen and meditate on this line it is so true. Satan casts "doubt darts" at us and one of those darts is labeled FEAR! How do we overcome - JESUS!!! The Sermon on the Mount is Jesus' longest...
9:00 am – 12:00 pm We will gather in the mornings at 9 a.m. to set up for church. Sunday School at 9:45 a.m. Church will begin at 10:15 with Praise Music; then Pastor’s message to follow. Children’s church begins right after the praise music is over. (No...