Side note:[If you could ask for one skill, what would it be? Something to glorify God. (You already have it.) The power and spirit of God has all skills within you that you need.]

Matthew24:36-44 (Accept Jesus as our savior, believe He was Son of God and God raised Him from the dead and His death and blood shed washed us of our sins. We must believe on the day of judgement Jesus will stand before us and vouch for us and we will be in paradise with the Son and the Father.)

(Only you know if you believe and only you can fool yourself.) There are people who will be upset when Jesus returns. Test your belief. If you die today, do you Know where you are going? Are you ready? Matthew18:21-35. •It is impossible for us to forgive anyone. But when things are impossible for man, they are not impossible with God. A way to know you’re ready is being able to forgive others because that is not a human earthly trait. If you can’t forgive others, God will not forgive you.

Matthew25:31-46 (When He comes back, He and His angels will be ready for war.) •It’s not because you gave them food or water cause you can do all of that and not go to Heaven. It’s about the love in your heart when you do these things. If you don’t have love in your heart, God’s not there. We don’t do these things simply because God tells us to…if God told us to love Him or he’s spank us…that’s not true love, that’s fear. He doesn’t want our love and to love others because He told us to, He wants us to love others because it’s apart of us, it’s because the love of God inside of us has to come out. I want God to go: “You Really Do love me.”

You don’t get any second chances in Hell. Which isn’t meant to scare you into salvation, it’s just speaking the truth because the Word is truth. It’s important to know who you are, fighting for who you are, and not giving up. *Do you know who you are? *Are you willing to fight for who you are?  *Are you willing not to give up when it gets hard?