Jerry “Pops” Whitaker Memorial Golf Tournament

Our youth pastor, Jimbeaux Whitaker, played golf with his father, Jerry “Pops” Whitaker, all of his life. “Pops” loved and adored the work Jimbeaux does with the youth of Church Under a Bridge. “Pops” went home to be with Jesus in 2018. In honor of “Pops” desire to help our youth we started the Jerry “Pops” Whitaker Memorial Golf Tournament.  All proceeds of the golf tournament give our underprivileged youth the opportunity to attend our summer camp in Louisiana.

Please check back soon for information on the 2022 tournament

What: Jerry “Pops” Whitaker Memorial Golf Tournament

When: TBA

Time: TBA


HOW: CLICK HERE to email your name and team information or email

Cost:  = 

Hole Sponsorship available: $250

GOT QUESTIONS ??? Contact Jimbeaux Whitaker at 903-504-8033