by cuab | Apr 30, 2019 | News & Events
We are about to embark on Jesus’ last journey in HIS ministry. Now begins the downfall of the belief that the only way to God is through the temple and the priests. There is a new saviour in town and HIS name is JESUS the CHRIST!!! Buckle up as we dig into...
by cuab | Apr 29, 2019 | News & Events
Yes, we all know the story of Lazarus. Yep, that’s right, Jesus raised him from the dead. But, do you KNOW THE REAL STORY? As Paul Harvey used to say, now for the rest of the story. Jesus raising Lazarus is in John 11 so let’s read it. If you want...
by cuab | Apr 28, 2019 | News & Events
Well, today we are in John 10 where Jesus begins talking in realms of sheep and the shepherd. If you look at the beginning of this scripture Jesus begins with “verily verily” or “truly” or even “very truly” (depends on...
by cuab | Apr 27, 2019 | News & Events
Well, today is day 20 of the 30 days with Jesus. Yes, some does overlap, but they all have a message. First we begin in Luke with the good Samaritan. Here an expert (NIV)/ lawyer (KJV) comes to Jesus and asks what he must do to inherit eternal life. Jesus, as he...
by cuab | Apr 26, 2019 | News & Events
Okay, buckle up for there is really a lot of information in these 24 verses. Are they important? That is like saying is the Bible important! Heavens YES! Okay, with out further ado let us begin. Jesus had just finished speaking with some about following him,...